Monday, February 04, 2008

the french italian connection

the lovers have tied the knot.what was media speculation in the last few months has now become a reality.french president nicholas sarkozy has wed for the third time.this time with an italian songwriter,singer and former supermodel carla bruni.unlike other past french presidents,he did not keep his love affair under wraps.he was open about it.immediately after his second marriage broke up his new relationship with carla seems he was prepared to call off his love affair with carla if his second wife who had desreted him returned.that was not to be.

sarkozy recently visited india and was goi's guest of honour for the republic day celebrations.he wanted to bring alongwith him his beau. the main attraction was the taj mahal.diplomatic compulsions prevailed and he left her behind.but he is not giving up. he promised to come to india once a year during his reign.that meant that carla will accompany him during his next visit. that is if the union survives till then.

before leaving for india,sarkozy issued a statement that bangladesh-born taslima nasreen would be given the prestigious "prix simone de beauvoir" award this is simone de beauvoir's birth centenary.she was a french philosopher,novelist and essayist.and a long time companion of jean paul sartre.she was a champion of the worldwide feminist movement and fought against misogyny and male chauvinism.he wanted to give the award personally in india,but our government developed cold feet.

his rating in france has come down,though the french lke their presidents to be virile.people feel let down that a comparitvely young and dynamic person chosen by them to lead the country is now having a major distraction. will he able to conduct the affairs of his country with focus and energy? that is a tough call. let us hope he settles down quickly to addressing the problems of his country.there are just too many of them.

there is some psychoanalysis doing the rounds.about sarkozy's height.he is only five foot five.according to them he was humiliated when his second wife chose a taller he rebounded by choosing a glamorous woman.after all wasn't napolean bonaparte,the french emperor,a very short man? maybe his greed for power and for women had something to do with his height.

the french are known to be good lovers.and good rulers. hopefully,sarkozy will prove his capabilities in both the fields.

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