For the last few months, I have been suffering from intense pain on my right leg. Right from the hip upto the calf. After lot of medical investigations,including MRI et al, I was told that I was suffering from LSS (lumber spinal stenosis). It is a narrowing of the spinal canal carrying nerves down to the feet. This causes the nerves to touch the wall of the spinal canal causing pain and inability to walk. I was advised surgery to enlarge the passage in the canal. I was given drugs for reducing pain. I took them for a week and then stopped them. I went surfing wildly on the internet to know all about LSS. I visited many ayurvedic sites and acupressure sites.They claim that they can cure my problem. I read books on Yogasanas and even bought a DVD on spinal health presented beautifully by Yogacharya Dr Ananda Bhavnani. I haven't yet decided what to do.
I decided to take an half-hour morning walk with my two dogs and my Ipod every morning before starting on a disciplined regimen. Management experts would call this multitasking.The dogs are happy to relieve themselves, I listen to some spiritual music on my Ipod and get a bit of exercise by walking. The results so far have been short of miraculous. The pain has considerably subsided,I am confident of walking long distances once again and I am seriously considering restarting my tennis. What has helped me in this remarkable change? Right posture? The morning walk? Some basic exercises? I don't know. I am not saying that the diagnosis was incorrect. After all Xrays and MRIs don't lie. Maybe this is only a temporary relief and the pain may resurface soon. Well the jury is still out.
This morning I decided to take a long walk right upto Nariman Point to watch the Mumbai Marathon runners. My s-i-l and his brother were also running.That was an added attraction.The excitement in the Marathon seems to have died down. Unlike in the past there were very few people who had come to watch the Marathon runners and cheer them up.The policce had made huge bandobust but frankly lt it was quite unnecessary.There were lot of foreigners particularly from Africa who were participating.
Walking the distance to NP and back home was a breeze.Totally about 4 KM. But it was a marathon walk for me. I felt no pain and I enjoyed it. So,it is going to be more of walks for the next one month before I start on probably a planned Yogic regimen for strengthening my hip and leg muscles.
It is rejoicing to see your post after a long gap. The symptoms mentioned in your ailment may be cured by accupressure or accupuncture, but you should visit a known naturopath doctor. Get well soon.Regards.
Dear gs,
Is it sciatica ? [a form of neuralgia characterized by intense pain and tenderness along the course of the body's longest nerve (sciatic nerve), extending from the back of the thigh down to the calf of the leg]
Please do not neglect this problem. Visit your family physician and get his advise.
Hello Mangesh
I am very much touched by your concern.I am trying to get the best medical opinion. My problem has been diagnosed as spinal stenosis sciatica.I propose to see a few more specialists before deciding on the final course of action. Thank you very much for your advice which I greatly appreciate.
Dear gs,
I have closely oberved the pains of sciatica patient, since my wife has been going through the same for the last 3 years. You may give me your email id to discus more. We both are in Mumbai and can be contacted easily. Regards.
You are right, its not that tests lie, but sometimes there are other things peripheral to medicines that ALSO help. Kudos to you for doing the marathos. Impressive!
Btw, what are the doggie's names, and are they big/small ones? A walk with your best pals is one of the best things ever ever.
Hi SSQuo:
The doggie's names are Mango and Cherry. Both are cocker spaniels of good pedigree. Mango is the male and Cherry is the female. They are adorable and give unstinted love.They come to my room after lazing around in the drawing hal.l at 6.30 sharp in the morning as if by appointment and lick my legs to say "Hey.we guys are ready to go for a walk.Come on let's go!".
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