the world cup soccer which was over last month did keep me glued to the tv during several matches.normally, i avoid the tv. i don't watch any serial because they are all trash. i occasionally watch the news and sometimes one-day cricket matches. but the fifa football event was one of a kind. which i certainly did not want to miss.
hats off to the organisers who seem to have made the event a great success.south africa is notorious for its crime rate. and the continent is infamous for its poverty and AIDS. but there was hardly any crime during the event. the entire africa, proud of the event being held in their continent behaved in the most responsible and dignified manner. the people deserve full kudos for their exemplary behaviour. they wildly cheered their 'bafana bafana' and were disappointed that the team did not go far ahead.
what fascinated me besides the football matches was the vuvuzela, a trumpet like instrument about one meter long. you blow into it and you can blow off somebody's ears with its high decibel noise. and imagine thousands of spectators blowing into them continuously. what a cacophony it must have created. though many teams complained about the distraction the vuvuzelas caused and their teams' consequent failure to concentrate, fifa did not stop its usage as it was considered to be a part of 'african culture'. wonder what our fans will blow during the forthcoming CWG. and just compare how we are going about the CWG and how a fledgling democracy embroiled in bitter and racially tinged ethnic violence did a spectacular job of managing this megaevent. the UAE issued a 'fatwa' that they are 'haraam'. that did not deter the vuvuzela fans.manufacturers of vuvuzelas did roaring business.they sold earplugs too.that was a marketing coup.
three cheers to vuvuzela and 'waka waka' performed by columbian singer shakira and alongwith south african band 'freshly ground' who created a sensation.
a friend of mine showed me a vuvuzela which his friend had brought from capetown.i blew it and felt transported to africa. and the hummable 'waka waka',i downloaded into my ipod hoping that we will also put up a good show.'chak de india'.
I am from the DNA team. We have a new page on which we include the best of Mumbai's blogs. Towards this, we have chosen your blog, as well as one of your photos. Check it out on tomorrow's page four.
hello there
many thanks for choosing my blog and for writing about it in your newspaper. surely,this will motivate me to continue posting blogs on interesting subjects.
It seems that after DNA's motivation there is no post till date. The reason may be lack of time. Subjects are plenty. Regards.
Mangesh Nabar
hello shaheel
many thnaks for your observation which is very apt. indeed,it is an ornament. a saree well worn can make an even aplain jane woman look glamorous.i have een westerners going ga-ga over sarees.
hello mannab
i have 101 subjects in my head. it is just the lack of time. i am learning german language.and my exam is on 23rd october! i am also writng a translation from tamil to english of some sacred hymns. once these are over i am sure i will be blogging endlessly:)
Dear gs,
Please take your own time and finish your tasks. I wish you all the best for fulfilling the same.I would be happy to go through your translation of Tamil sacred hymns. Both of us put up in South Mumbai, so close to each other. Regards.
Mangesh Nabar
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