Mani, the Singaporean parakeet and a celebrity in Singapore's Little India, predicted a victory for the Netherlands in the 2010 FIFA finals. Paul the Octopus, forecasted a Spanish victory. In my last blog, I had mentioned that should the soothsayer octopus's prediction come true,he will go up in my estimation. Surely, he now has gone up several notches with a clean record of correct forecasts. I hope that German fans will now cool down and not threaten the poor Paul with dire consequences. After all sometimes truth is bitter.
But South African President Jacob Zuma laughed away at the octopus's prediction and said that in South Africa they listen to the scattered bones of dead animals. Witch doctors do that to foretell the future. Obviously, he wished to remain neutral and did not want to provoke either side. What he said was interesting. That opens up a Pandora's box.
Watch out human soothsayers. There is hot competition. At this rate,you may run out of business.
Paul - instant popularity.
I don't think any one in the world has garnished so much popularity in such a short time.
hello haddock
thanks for looking in. did you watch the finals? paul's prediction performance was sensational and unprecedented. no wonder he was awarded with a replica of the 'world cup'!
Haha lovely article
hello shanthi
thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving behind your comments.
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