a recent on-line survey conducted by UNESCO has revealed that Bengali is the world's sweetest language.Spanish and Dutch languages take the second and third positions respectively. having lived continuously in kolkata for fourteen years after my birth and continuing to visit kolkata eight to ten times a year, i consider it like almost my second home. i speak the language and enjoy the companionship of bengalis.i was therefore thrilled to read on the net about this well-deserved recognition.
not only is the language the sweetest in the world,the sweets like rosogolla,sandesh and mishti-doi can be considered the best sweets in the world. three cheers to kolkata and kolkattans!
aami tomake bhalo bhashi!( i like/love you!)
hi dad
any idea why bengali was voted as the sweetest language?
spanish is surely nice. not sure about dutch though.
sorry lulu,i have no clue.it was an on-line survey and perhaps the respondents were not asked to give any reason for their choice.
I expected a thoughtful post from you, dear gs, on this Maharashtra Day!
Mangesh Nabar
hello mangesh
your expectation is very valid. having lived for fifty years in mumbai,a posting on such a great occasion is truly due.i"ll do it in the next few days.
Dear gs,
This is only to remind you about your promise of a few days. Regards.
Dear gs,
It seems you are on long leave and probably are not in Mumbai.Enjoy your trip and come back with newer topics. Regards.
Mangesh Nabar
hello mangesh
thanks for prodding me to blog on m's 50th year and other topics. i am on a big translation project from tamil to english of a section of the tamil vedas. i am not on leave but all my free time is going towards completion of this project for which the deadline is fast approaching.now, i am a bit relaxed as i have just finished the first manuscript. so,"hum aapki khwaeesh poori kar rahe hain".
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